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O'Shaughnessy Fellowships 2024

One year and $100,000 to work on anything you want.

The O’Shaughnessy Fellowship is a one-year program for ambitious people who want to build something great. Fellows receive $100,000 to work on any project they choose with support from OSV's network of founders, investors, and experts.

Because of the internet, for the first time in history, we were able to connect and collaborate with anyone, anywhere across the globe. In the 2020s, we have only just begun to witness the impact of this monumental change.

It doesn’t matter who you are, where you live, your age, gender or sexual orientation. If you’re skilled, you can contribute to advancing humanity in any field you choose. It can be Art, science, technology, history, philosophy and more.

Founded by Jim O’Shaughnessy in 2023, the O’Shaughnessy Fellowship aims to attract the most talented people on the planet and provide a quantum leap to ambitious creators and builders on their journey.

About You

Tell us a bit about yourself


What category describes you best? (Select all that apply)

What category describes you best? (Select all that apply)

You are currently

Where can we find you online?

Main Questions

1. What work have you done in the past that you're proud of?

Include links wherever relevant

2. What will you work on if you were accepted to the fellowship?

Explain it in 1-2 sentences as simply as possible

3. What unique insights do you have on this that others do not?

4. Please include your pitch in a video format. (YouTube, Google Drive or Vimeo link)

(Video should be less than 1 minute; please make the video public or unlisted so that we can access it)

5. Why do you want to work on this?

6. If selected, what will success look like once the fellowship period ends?

7. What might failure look like? What could be some of the original mistakes of your project?

8. Please upload a 1 page PDF outlining your action plan for your Fellowship Project.

(Font size: 10pt, Font: Arial, Line-spacing: 1.5)


How did you hear about the O'Shaughnessy Fellowships?

How did you hear about the O'Shaughnessy Fellowships?

Would you like to recommend someone to O'Shaughnessy Fellowships?

Anything else we should know?